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Boards fundamentals
Martin Tsekov avatar
Written by Martin Tsekov
Updated over 10 months ago

What are Boards

Boards offer a dynamic way to categorize and visualize your goals by topic, mimicking the traditional whiteboard setup in the digital space. Easily organize and access your goals through the My Goals menu.

Board types and practical applications

Boards serve as a central hub to gather topic-specific goals, enhancing visibility and tracking within an organization. Imagine an infinite canvas, where each board can be customized with as many sections as needed, tailored to reflect various statuses, process stages, priorities, and more.

Boards have strategic and departmental uses. Strategically, they can display all organizational goals set for completion by year-end. Departmentally, they can focus on specialized areas such as Customer Service, Marketing, Sales, Social Media, and Production, providing a clear overview of objectives within each domain.

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