What is My Reminders?

My Reminders Hub is a project manager’s daily go-to place".

Martin Tsekov avatar
Written by Martin Tsekov
Updated over a week ago

A project manager’s working playground

My Reminders is a project manager’s (PM) daily go-to place, their command center, with all the necessary information to do their job a click away. From here they have access to all planned and ready-for-work activities from all projects they are responsible for, as well as their goals.

All activities with reminders, from all projects, end up here where they are prioritized by the due date and according to a company’s priorities.

My Reminders is a PM’s real action plan. All activities in this hub are actionable hence significantly reducing the number of activities a PM works with daily (from five to six times). Re-planning becomes a much easier process and managers deal with 50-100 activities daily instead of thousands.

My Reminders gives PMs quick access to:

  • Prioritized list with activities and goals for "Today" and the days after

  • Project details and attachments

  • Access to created tasks and communication

  • Notifications

Prioritized list with activities and goals for "Today", and days after

My Reminders hub does two important things, it gives PMs a list with

  • Activities and goals scheduled for "Today"

  • Activities and goals scheduled for the following days

Project managers start their day with the activities for which in the Remind me column says “Today”. The activities are from different projects, but what connects them is that they are all for “Today” i.e. work on them can start immediately. The notification number in the My Reminders tab indicates how many activities you have scheduled to pay attention to today. Activities with +1, +2,+3, and so on are also actionable but are scheduled for a different day.

Tip: Your goal as a project manager is to finish your days with tasks assigned to all activities (and goals) for “Today”.

Note: If you cannot finish an activity scheduled for “Today”, you can change its Remind me date and move them up/down the list. To do that, select the activity– this action will throw you inside the project the activity belongs to – and change the reminder date.

Access to project details

My Reminders hub gives you quick access to the project an activity is a part of. In doing so, you always see activities in the context of an entire project with all tasks, attachments, and the communication for each task.

You can access project details by:

  • Selecting an activity

  • Selecting a project name

  • Selecting an activity's ... menu

Note: This option gives you access to the project’s attachments as well.

Access to activity tasks and communication

My Reminders grants you a quick view and access to all existing tasks for an activity. The number of tasks is displayed in a circle in the Tasks column.

When you hover over and select the circle, you will see:

  • Tasks in progress

  • Completed tasks

  • Canceled tasks

  • Recurring tasks

When you select a task from the list, you will access all task communication, files, and sub-tasks.

Note: If you want to create a new task, you need to select the activity and then create it.

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